Communications Design Print


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Label Design

So, you 've spent longer than you can remember designing your product. You 've studied the....
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Your local, friendly print market

There 's nothing quite like a hot cup of tea and a nice biscuit. But whether you shop in Waitro....
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London Underground Roundel

You can picture the scene; airport tag hanging from the handle of your slightly too small, too heavy....
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A Sign Of The Times

In 1960 four boys set out on a mission; to change the world of popular music forever. Their names we....
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  ¦sometimes a smile is enough ¦ ‘

Smiles the most fundamental and widely-understood sign of human good will. And we would like to send....
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Size matters   a lot

Image credit:  rodolfo_salgado   It 's probably what you see in your head when....
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A Lasting Sign…..

The iconic Las Vegas sign (pictured here) is nearly 60 years old. Other famous signs have come a....
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New Year, New Look

CDP is starting the New Year refreshed with a new brand and website. We 've developed a vibr....
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CDP raises  £1,400 for charity of the year, Can Cook

At CDP we like to help people do good things. Since 2001, we have raised more than  £70,000 fo....

Our Locations

Head Office and Warehouse

74-82 Rose Lane,


L18 8EE

Tel: 0151 724 7000

Fax: 0151 724 6478

London Office and Warehouse

Unit 1,

Tomo Industrial Estate,

Packet Boat Lane,




Tel: 01895 462462

Fax: 01895 420911


Certified By

Living Wage logo

Our Clients

Southern Housing Group logo